Catholic-Hierarchy DC

Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church

Pontificia Commissio de Bonis Culturalibus Ecclesiae


To: Pontifical Council for Culture

Show: All | Historical Details | Ordinaries | Historical Summary | Affiliated Bishops, Living | Affiliated Bishops, Deceased

Historical Details

Past Ordinaries

Historical Summary

Pontifical Commission for Preserving the Church’s Patrimoney of Art and History
28 June 1988EstablishedPontifical Commission for Preserving the Church’s Patrimoney of Art and History
Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church
25 March 1993Name ChangedPontifical Commission for Preserving the Church’s Patrimoney of Art and History Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church
30 July 2012SuppressedPontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church (suppressed) Pontifical Council for Culture

Affiliated Bishops, Living

Affiliated Bishops, Deceased


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[ Comments/Corrections ] Copyright David M. Cheney, 1996-2024
Code: web_d, v3.4.8, 30 Jun 2024; Data: 30 Jun 2024