Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Died | Giovanni Battista Ansaldo † | Bishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy |
27.1 | Professed | Carlo Bescapè, B. † | Priest of Clerics Regular of St. Paul | Bishop of Novara, Italy |
71.0 | Resigned | Giovanni Battista Bernardi † | Bishop of Ajaccio, France | Bishop Emeritus |
| Died | Cristóbal Berrocal † | Bishop of Crotone (Cotrone), Italy |
| Born | Girolamo Binago, C.O. † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Bologna, Italy |
49.0 | Resigned | Paolo Bisanti † | Bishop of Kotor (Cattaro), Montenegro | Bishop Emeritus |
| Died | Pietro Bordone † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
| Born | Paul Boudot † | | Bishop of Arras, France |
| Born | Johannes Brenner † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany |
25.9 | Ordained Priest | Sebastian Breuning † | Priest of Augsburg, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop |
| Died | Teodoro Calompsi † | Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania |
| Died | Theodorus Calumpsi † | Bishop of Lezhë {Lesh, Alessio}, Albania |
| Died | Tomás de Cárdenas, O.P. † | Bishop of Verapaz, Guatemala |
| Born | Baglione Carradoli † | | Bishop of Marsi, Italy |
| Born | Tommaso Cellesi † | | Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia |
| Died | Vincenzo Cornelio (Cajetani) † | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
53.8 | Died | Giorgio Cornaro † | Bishop Emeritus of Treviso, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Domenico D’Anna † | Bishop of Bovino, Italy |
| Born | Cristóbal de Aresti Martínez de Aguilar, O.S.B. † | | Bishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina |
| Born | Francesco d’Elia e Rossi † | | Bishop of Siracusa, Italy |
| Born | Loreto Di Franco (De Franchis) † | | Bishop of Minori, Italy |
81.0 | Resigned | Giovanni Francesco de Mirto † | Bishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Pierre de Donnauld † | | Coadjutor Bishop of Mirepoix, France |
| Born | Jean-François de Sales † | | Bishop of Genève {Geneva}, Switzerland |
65.3 | Ordained Bishop | François de Foix de Candale † | Bishop of Aire, France |
| Died | Adriano Fuscone † | Bishop of Aquino, Italy |
| Born | Juan García Arlés † | | Bishop of Orihuela, Spain |
| Born | Giovanni Francesco Guidi di Bagno † | | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Rieti, Italy |
| Died | Tommaso Gigli † | Bishop of Piacenza, Italy |
| Born | Toussaint de Glandèves de Cuges † | | Bishop of Sisteron, France |
| Died | Konrad Adam Glušič † | Bishop of Ljubljana (Laybach; Laibach), Slovenia |
| Died | Ioannis Carizia (Grassinga) † | Bishop Emeritus of Lezhë {Lesh, Alessio}, Albania |
| Born | Giusto (Juste) Guérin, B. † | | Bishop of Genève {Geneva}, Switzerland |
| Died | Matteo Andrea Guerra † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
| Born | Juan Gutiérrez † | | Bishop of Vigevano, Italy |
58.0 | Resigned | Angelo Giustiniani, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Genève {Geneva}, Switzerland | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Bartol Kačić, O.F.M. † | | Bishop of Makarska, Croatia |
| Born | Łukasz Kaliński † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv, Ukraine |
| Born | Benedetto Landi † | | Bishop Emeritus of Fossombrone, Italy |
| Died | Leonardo Liparola † | Bishop of Nicotera, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Battista Maremonti † | Bishop of Sora, Italy |
| Died | Maurice MacGibbon, O. Cist. † | Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland |
40.0 | Ordained Priest | St. Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo † | Priest | Archbishop of Lima, Peru |
| Resigned | Girolamo Negri (Nigris) † | Bishop of Chioggia, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Stanislaw Nieborski † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania |
| Born | Henri Ignace Nowohradsky de Kozowrat † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia |
| Died | Antonio Paliettino (de Monelia), O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Brugnato, Italy |
| Died | Pietro Persio † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy |
| Born | Stefano Pignatelli † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Via |
| Born | Biagio Proto de Rossi † | | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
| Born | Antonio Provana † | | Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy |
| Born | Dominico Rota, O. Carm. † | | Titular Bishop of Sidon |
| Born | Filippo Salviati † | | Bishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy |
| Resigned | Jorge de Santa Luzia, O.P. † | Bishop of Malacca, Singapore |
| Ordained Bishop | Andrés Santos Quintana (de Sampedro) † | Bishop of Teruel, Spain | Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain |
| Installed | Bartolomeu Simões Pereira † | Prelate of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Prelate Emeritus |
| Born | Marcos Teixeira de Mendonça † | | Bishop of São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, Brazil |
| Born | Francesco Traina † | | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
| Died | János Újlaky † | Bishop of Vác, Hungary |
| Born | Antonio Valdés Herrera † | | Bishop of Córdoba, Spain |
| Died | Patrick Walsh † | Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland |
31.0 | Ordained Priest | Christoph Weilhamer † | Priest of Passau, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop |
Jan | | Died | Francesco Guinigi † | Bishop of Corneto (Tarquinia) e Montefiascone, Italy |
10 Jan | | Died | Vincenzo de Siena (Caporano), O.P. † | Bishop of Sarno, Italy |
13 Jan | 35.0 | Appointed | Andrés Bacallar † | Bishop of Alghero, Italy | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy |
50.2 | Appointed | Tomás Dacio (d’Anio) † | Bishop of Orihuela, Spain |
| Appointed | Alfonso de la Cerda, O.P. † | Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras | Bishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia |
| Appointed | Francesco Figo † | Archbishop of Oristano, Italy |
40.0 | Appointed | Diego de Romano y Govea (Vitoria) † | Bishop of Tlaxcala (Puebla de los Angeles), México |
| Confirmed | Francisco de Vitoria, O.P. † | Bishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina |
20 Jan | 63.0 | Died | Jacques Fouré, O.P. † | Bishop of Chalons-sur-Saône, France |
21 Jan | | Died | Francisco Soto Salazar † | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
29 Jan | | Appointed | Vincenzo Fucheri † | Bishop of Corneto (Tarquinia) e Montefiascone, Italy |
| Appointed | Mateus de Medina, O. Mil. J. Chr. † | Bishop of Cochin, India | Archbishop of Goa, India |
| Appointed | João Ribeiro Gaio † | Bishop of Malacca, Singapore |
| Appointed | Henrique de Távora e Brito, O.P. † | Archbishop of Goa, India |
| Appointed | Martinho de Ulhoa, O. Cist. † | Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe | Bishop Emeritus |
35.0 | Confirmed | Johann Georg Zobel von Giebelstadt † | Bishop of Bamberg, Germany | Bishop-Elect |
1 Feb | 70.0 | Died | Felice Tiranni † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
2 Feb | 40.0 | Ordained Bishop | Nikolaus Elgard † | Titular Bishop of Ascalon | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
16 Feb | | Died | Johann Mezon von Telz † | Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), Czechia |
17 Feb | | Appointed | Diego de la Calzada † | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
| Appointed | Diego de la Calzada † | Titular Bishop of Salona | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Toledo, Spain |
| Appointed | Paolo Fusco † | Bishop of Sarno, Italy |
21 Feb | 71.0 | Elevated to Cardinal | René de Birague † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Lodève, France |
57.9 | Elevated to Cardinal | Pedro de Deza Manuel † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano |
37.2 | Elevated to Cardinal | Giovanni Vincenzo Gonzaga, O.S.Io.Hieros. † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Alessio |
61.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Gerard van Groesbeeck † | Cardinal, Bishop of Liège, Belgium |
22.6 | Elevated to Cardinal | Louis II de Guise de Lorraine † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Reims, France |
44.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Claude de La Baume † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Besançon, France |
16.8 | Elevated to Cardinal | Charles de Lorraine-Vaudémont (II) † | Cardinal, Administrator of Toul, France |
| Appointed | Miguel Jerónimo Morell † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
34.2 | Elevated to Cardinal | Alessandro Riario † | Cardinal, Titular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria} |
58.1 | Elevated to Cardinal | Fernando de Toledo de Oropesa † | Priest |
22 Feb | | Died | János Liszthi † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
26 Feb | | Died | Gregorius Silvius, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Liège, Belgium |
3 Mar | | Died | Jerome de Leonibus † | Archbishop of Chieti, Italy |
34.2 | Installed | Alessandro Riario † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli | Cardinal, Titular Patriarch of Alexandria {Alessandria} |
5 Mar | 68.1 | Died | Pedro Mártir Coma, O.P. † | Bishop of Elne, France |
8 Mar | 41.1 | Resigned | Antonmaria Salviati † | Apostolic Nuncio to France | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Papoul, France |
9 Mar | | Died | Francesco Martelli † | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
12 Mar | 80.1 | Died | Jean Hennuyer † | Bishop of Lisieux, France |
70.1 | Died | Alessandro Piccolomini † | Coadjutor Archbishop of Siena, Italy |
15 Mar | 47.2 | Ordained Deacon | Piotr Dunin Wolski † | Deacon | Bishop of Płock, Poland |
16 Mar | 47.2 | Ordained Priest | Piotr Dunin Wolski † | Priest | Bishop of Płock, Poland |
17 Mar | | Appointed | Orazio Ciceroni † | Bishop of Sora, Italy | Bishop of Ferentino, Italy |
| Appointed | Paolo Leoni † | Bishop of Ferrara, Italy |
| Appointed | Emilio Scataratica † | Bishop of Ravello, Italy |
57.2 | Appointed | Pons de Thiard de Bissy † | Bishop of Chalons-sur-Saône, France | Bishop Emeritus |
19 Mar | 30.3 | Ordained Priest | Gebhard Truchseß von Waldburg † | Priest | Former Archbishop-Elect of Köln {Cologne}, Germany |
29 Mar | 50.4 | Died | Louis de Guise de Lorraine † | Cardinal, Bishop of Metz, France |
7 Apr | | Died | Gilles Spifame † | Bishop of Nevers, France |
9 Apr | 51.2 | Appointed | Giovanni Andrea Caligari † | Apostolic Nuncio to Poland | Bishop of Bertinoro, Italy |
| Appointed | Orazio de Mirto † | Bishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
55.0 | Resigned | Vincenzo Lauro † | Apostolic Nuncio to Poland | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Mondovi, Italy |
| Appointed | Benedetto Manzoli † | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
11 Apr | 81.2 | Died | Juan de San Millán † | Bishop of León, Spain |
15 Apr | 51.0 | Appointed | Zaccaria Delfino † | Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Hvar (Lesina), Croatia |
16 Apr | | Appointed | Cesare Contardo † | Bishop of Sagone (Sagona), France |
| Appointed | Marcantonio Montefiori † | Bishop of Nebbio, France |
25 Apr | 63.2 | Selected | György Drašković † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary | Cardinal, Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
27 Apr | | Appointed | Andrés Santos Quintana (de Sampedro) † | Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain |
4 May | | Ordained Bishop | Paolo Leoni † | Bishop of Ferrara, Italy |
5 May | | Appointed | Pedro de Lafuente † | Bishop of Pamplona, Spain |
14 May | | Appointed | Angelo Giustiniani † | Bishop of Bovino, Italy |
| Appointed | Christophe Guidiccioni † | Bishop of Ajaccio, France |
21 May | | Died | Juan Rojas † | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
26 May | 45.8 | Appointed | Arnaud Sorbin † | Bishop of Nevers, France |
27 May | | Born | Juan Pereda Gudiel † | | Bishop of Oviedo, Spain |
29 May | 60.3 | Resigned | Godfried van Mierlo, O.P. † | Bishop of Haarlem, Netherlands | Bishop Emeritus |
2 Jun | | Appointed | Vincenzo Ferreri † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
| Appointed | Gaspar Juan de la Figuera, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Jaca, Spain | Bishop of Lérida, Spain |
| Appointed | Giovanni Antonio Grignetta † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
| Appointed | Lucio Maranta † | Bishop of Montepeloso, Italy |
13 Jun | 55.2 | Appointed | Rodrigo de Castro Osorio (de Lemos) † | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain | Cardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain |
45.4 | Resigned | Romolo Cesi † | Bishop of Narni, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
65.6 | Appointed | Martín de Córdoba Mendoza, O.P. † | Bishop of Córdoba, Spain |
| Appointed | Ercole Eroli † | Bishop of Narni, Italy |
49.4 | Appointed | Diego Gómez de Lamadrid, O.SS.T. † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Badajoz, Spain | Bishop |
65.4 | Appointed | Diego de Simancas † | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
| Appointed | Francisco Tello Sandoval † | Bishop of Plasencia, Spain |
64.4 | Appointed | Fernando de Tricio Arenzana † | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
45.4 | Appointed | Alonso Velázquez † | Bishop of Osma, Spain | Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
16 Jun | | Appointed | Adam Pilchowski † | Bishop of Chełm, Poland |
17 Jun | 67.4 | Died | Bl. Paolo (Scipione) Burali d’Arezzo, C.R. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
21 Jun | | Died | Emerico Sanseverino † | Bishop of Agde, France |
22 Jun | 45.9 | Ordained Bishop | Arnaud Sorbin † | Bishop of Nevers, France |
23 Jun | 78.4 | Died | Francisco Sancho Allepuz † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
25 Jun | 55.4 | Died | Jean Saint-Romain de Saint-Chamond † | Archbishop Emeritus of Aix, France |
28 Jun | 43.4 | Appointed | André Strengnart (Strenguart), O. Carm. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Liège, Belgium |
43.4 | Appointed | André Strengnart (Strenguart), O. Carm. † | Titular Bishop of Thagaste | Auxiliary Bishop of Liège, Belgium |
30 Jun | 69.4 | Died | Gregor Virneburg † | Auxiliary Bishop of Trier, Germany |