Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1691


See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1690) | Next Year (1692)

unknown50.0Juan Durán, O. de M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu, Philippines
unknown74.0Antonio IbarraBishop of Cádiz, Spain
unknown76.0Mikolaj SłupskiAuxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
unknown60.0Edward WesleyBishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
9 Jan47.4Giuseppe Ottavio AttavantiBishop of Arezzo, Italy
10 Jan89.0Gabriel HaugAuxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France
10 Jan62.1Emiddio LentiBishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy
16 JanManoel da Ressurreição, O.F.M. †Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
22 Jan79.0Antonio de Benavides y BazánPatriarch of West Indies, Spain
29 Jan86.4François de Rouxel de MédavyArchbishop of Rouen, France
1 Feb80.7Pietro Vito OttoboniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
7 Feb37.2Simon Judas Thaddäus SchmidtAuxiliary Bishop of Freising, Germany
13 Feb70.1Bartolomeo PollaArchbishop of Naxos, Greece
21 Feb76.8Antonio BichiCardinal, Bishop of Osimo, Italy
27 Feb76.1Gregory (Grégoire) Luo Wenzao (Lou, López), O.P. †Bishop of Nanking [Nanjing], China
11 Mar78.8Giulio SpinolaCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Lucca, Italy
15 Mar44.2Pedro da Silva, O.S.A. †Bishop of Cochin, India
3 Apr86.0Filiberto Alberto Bailly, B. †Bishop of Aosta, Italy
22 Apr75.4Raimondo Capizucchi, O.P. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria degli Angeli
30 Apr72.6Tommaso Marie Ruffo, O.P. †Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy
1 May54.5Francesco de Sequeiros y Sotomayor, O.S.A. †Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy
Jun36.4Augustyn Aleksander ŁodziataBishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland
6 Jun59.4Gerolamo RoccaBishop of Ischia, Italy
9 Jul83.5Angelo della Noca, O.S.B. †Archbishop Emeritus of Rossano, Italy
31 Jul62.5Jean Crisóstomo Royo de CastellviBishop of Segorbe, Spain
Aug59.5Domenico MennaBishop of Minori, Italy
28 Aug63.6Fabio GuinigiArchbishop of Ravenna, Italy
8 Sep46.6Bogusław LeszczyńskiBishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine
18 Sep64.7Gianfrancesco GinettiCardinal, Archbishop of Fermo, Italy
20 Sep70.7Giacomo Ferdinando de GorizzuttiBishop of Trieste, Italy
22 Sep65.7Vittorio Nicolino della ChiesaBishop of Alba (Pompea), Italy
29 Sep40.6Johannes Wolfgang von BodmanAuxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
29 Sep74.7Johannes Karl von FranckensteinBishop of Worms, Germany
2 OctStanislaw Całowański (Czalowanski)Auxiliary Bishop of Płock, Poland
4 Oct87.3Louis AbellyBishop Emeritus of Rodez, France
4 Oct66.0Federico Baldeschi (Ubaldi) ColonnaCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation of the Council
4 Oct57.7Francisco de Figueroa, O.S.A. †Bishop of Tropea, Italy
28 Oct66.8Stefan Knezevic (Conti), O.F.M. Obs. †Archbishop of Sardica (Sredek, Sofia), Bulgaria
NovGiacomo VianoliBishop of Torcello (Turris), Italy
3 Nov67.8Victor Augustinus RipaBishop of Vercelli, Italy
10 Nov65.6Johann Markus RossettiBishop of Pedena, Austria
11 Nov68.8Bonawentura Dobrogost MadalińskiBishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland
Dec63.9Luke WaddingBishop of Ferns, Ireland
22 Dec59.9Hugues de BarBishop of Lectoure, France


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