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The Year of Our Lord 1862


See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Bishop Events | Previous Year (1861) | Next Year (1863)

unknown66.3Agustín Gómez Cabezas y SildoBishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
3 Jan51.3Manuel de Santa Rita Barros, T.O.R. †Bishop of Angola e Congo
4 Jan77.6Giovanni Battista de AlbertisBishop Emeritus of Ventimiglia, Italy
6 Jan82.7Nicola-Maria Laudisio, C.SS.R. †Bishop of Policastro, Italy
17 Jan64.1Florencio Llorente y MontónBishop of Gerona, Spain
30 Jan81.9Gaspare Bernardo PianettiCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy
11 Feb55.8Domenico VenturaArchbishop of Amalfi, Italy
3 Mar49.1Adam JasińskiBishop of Przemyśl, Poland
11 Mar76.2José Lázaro de la Garza y BallesterosArchbishop of México, Federal District
15 Mar64.3José Xavier de Cerveira e SousaBishop of Viseu, Portugal
24 Mar51.7Giovanni MontuoroBishop of Bovino, Italy
26 Mar72.9Luigi FransoniArchbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy
27 Mar67.6Vasile ErdélyBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania
16 Apr62.4Giovanni Domenico Rizzolati, O.F.M. Ref. †Vicar Apostolic of Houkouang, China
10 Jun59.5Andrew ByrneBishop of Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
18 Jun63.6Patrick Raymond Griffith, O.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Cape of Good Hope, Western District {Capo di Buona Speranza, Distretto Occidentale}, South Africa
18 Jun56.6Jean-Baptiste Pallegoix, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Siam {Siam Orientale}, Thailand
4 Jul68.4Jacques-Louis DanielBishop of Coutances (-Avranches), France
8 Jul55.9Antonio Palau y TérmensBishop of Barcelona, Spain
31 Jul51.4André-Pierre (Andreas) Borgniet, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic of Kiangnan, China
8 Aug74.8Giovanni Battista Rosani, Sch. P. †President Emeritus of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy
8 AugJulius Caesar Scotti, O.F.M. Cap. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Sardhana, India
26 Aug80.4Manuel Joaquín Tarancón y MorónCardinal, Archbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
30 Aug83.9Johann Peter MirerBishop of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Sep63.3Michelangelo PieramicoBishop of Potenza e Marsico Nuovo, Italy
6 Sep54.6Michele Maria Caputo, O.P. †Bishop of Ariano, Italy
6 Sep81.0Alessandro ScialdoneAuxiliary Bishop of Capua, Italy
9 Sep62.7Antonio Ligi-Bussi, O.F.M. Conv. †Titular Archbishop of Iconium
12 Sep44.4Luigi Celestino Spelta, O.F.M. Ref. †Vicar Apostolic of Hupeh {Hu-Pè}, China
13 Sep49.5François-Marie-Henri-Agathon Pellerin, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Northern Cochin {Cocincina Settentrionale}, Viet Nam
18 Sep73.7Wacław Wilhelm (Václaw Vilem) Wacławiczek (Václavicek)Former Archbishop-Elect of Lviv, Ukraine
19 Sep41.7Ferdinand EnglishArchbishop of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles
24 Sep61.8Bl. Anton Martin SlomšekBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
5 Oct62.7Joseph-Auguste-Victorin MorlhonBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, France
13 Oct59.1Luis José Gabriel Segura y CubasBishop of Paraná, Argentina
4 Nov74.5László Bémer de Bezdéd et KisbákaBishop Emeritus of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
5 Nov60.1Sébastin-Théophille Neyret, M.S.F.S. †Vicar Apostolic of Vizagapatnam, India
6 Nov88.7Nicola Caputo de’ Marchesi di CerretoBishop of Lecce, Italy
12 Nov63.9Giuseppe MontieriBishop of Aquino, Sora, e Pontecorvo, Italy
20 Nov49.7Pedro Ruiz ZumaetaBishop of Chachapoyas, Peru
6 Dec51.4Niccola Maria GuidaBishop of Molfetta, Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy
16 Dec80.4Pietro Naselli, C.O. †Bishop Emeritus of Piazza Armerina, Italy
17 Dec66.0Karl Arnold-ObristBishop of Basel, Switzerland
26 Dec63.3Nicolaus MuradTitular Archbishop of Laodicea in Phrygia
28 Dec66.1Rafael MansoBishop of Zamora, Spain
29 Dec67.0François-Nicholas-Madeleine MorlotCardinal, Archbishop of Paris, France


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