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The Year of Our Lord 1873

Bishop Events

May to August

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 May46.1Ordained BishopÉdouard-Charles FabreTitular Bishop of GratianopolisArchbishop of Montréal, Québec, Canada
4 May33.7Ordained BishopMichael Augustine CorriganBishop of Newark, New Jersey, USAArchbishop of New York, New York, USA
52.8Ordained BishopAlexandre-Léopold SebauxBishop of Angoulême, France
48.5Ordained BishopPierre-Ferdinand Vitte, S.M. †Titular Bishop of AnastasiopolisVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonia), Pacific (Oceania)
9 May76.8DiedJakob Laurentz StudachVicar Apostolic of Sweden
11 May44.7Ordained BishopJoseph-Frédéric SaivetBishop of Mende, FranceBishop of Perpignan-Elne, France
14 May90.4DiedDomenico Maria Cilluffo e CostaTitular Archbishop of Adana
52.8InstalledAlexandre-Léopold SebauxBishop of Angoulême, France
18 MayBornFélix Bilbao y UgarrizaBishop of Tortosa, Spain
19 MayBornCelestin Ibáñez y Aparicio, O.F.M. †Bishop Emeritus of Yan’an [Yenan], China
20 May45.4AppointedFrancisco Mora y BorrellCoadjutor Bishop of Monterey-Los Angeles, California, USABishop Emeritus
45.4AppointedFrancisco Mora y BorrellTitular Bishop of MosynopolisBishop Emeritus of Monterey-Los Angeles, California, USA
64.0AppointedJohn PowerCoadjutor Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, IrelandBishop
64.0AppointedJohn PowerTitular Bishop of CaesaropolisBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
22 May70.6DiedCarlo MacchiBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
29 May53.4SucceededJosé Joaquín Isaza RuizBishop of Medellín, Colombia
66.4ResignedValerio Antonio Jiménez (Ximenes)Bishop of Medellín, ColombiaBishop Emeritus
30 May81.1DiedVojtech BartakovicsArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
4 Jun32.9Ordained PriestJames Charles McDonaldPriest of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, CanadaBishop
5 JunBornJusto Rivas FernándezBishop of Plasencia, Spain
BornSt. Luigi Versiglia, S.D.B. †Vicar Apostolic of Shiuchow [Shaoguan], China
6 Jun72.6DiedGiovanni Tommaso Ghilardi, O.P. †Bishop of Mondovi, Italy
54.6DiedMariano Ortiz y UrruelaCoadjutor Bishop of San Salvador, El Salvador
7 Jun26.1Ordained PriestPierre-Marie AvonPriestBishop of Guadeloupe et Basse-Terre, Antilles
23.4Ordained DeaconCélestin-Félix-Joseph Chouvellon, M.E.P. †Deacon of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Eastern Szechwan {Se-Ciuen Orientale}, China
24.2Ordained PriestOwen Patrick Bernard CorriganPriest of Baltimore, Maryland, USAAuxiliary Bishop
24.1Ordained PriestJean-Jacques Crouzet, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the MissionVicar Apostolic of Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar
23.0Ordained PriestPaulino Díaz Rodriguez, O.E.S.A. †Priest of Order of Hermits of St. AugustinePrefect Emeritus of San León del Amazonas, Peru
23.1Ordained PriestHermann Joseph (Thomas) Esser, O.P. †Priest of Köln {Cologne}, GermanyTitular Bishop of Sinis
26.2Ordained PriestRamón Fernández y BalbuenaPriestAuxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
19.5Ordained PriestAndrea FiorePriestBishop of Cuneo, Italy
24.3Ordained PriestJacques-Jean GelyPriestBishop of Mende, France
22.5Ordained PriestPierre-Jean-Marie Gendreau, M.E.P. †Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Hà Nôi, Viet Nam
23.4Ordained PriestCharles-Henri-Célestin GibierPriest of Orléans, FranceBishop of Versailles, France
23.6Ordained PriestThomas Augustine HendrickPriestBishop of Cebu, Philippines
23.2Ordained PriestPierre-Marie-François Lalouyer, M.E.P. †Priest of La Société des Missions EtrangèresVicar Apostolic of Northern Manchuria {Manciuria Settentrionale}, China
26.6Ordained PriestJustin-Guillaume Lescure, C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the Mission
29.5Ordained PriestJohn Stephen MichaudPriest of Burlington, Vermont, USABishop
22.7Ordained PriestHubert Otto, C.I.C.M. †Priest of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryVicar Apostolic Emeritus of Northern Kansu {Kansu Settentrionale}, China
23.0Ordained PriestJean Baptiste Étienne Honoré PenonPriest of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), FranceBishop Emeritus of Moulins, France
22.7Ordained PriestGiovanni Battista RessiaPriestBishop Emeritus of Mondovi, Italy
23.0Ordained PriestFrancisco José Ribeiro Vieira e BritoPriest of Braga, PortugalBishop of Lamego, Portugal
24.1Ordained PriestManuel Torres y TorresPriestBishop of Plasencia, Spain
24.3Ordained PriestFrancesco VentoPriestBishop of Aversa, Italy
26.9Ordained PriestJózef Weber, C. R. †Priest of Lviv, UkraineAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
8 Jun23.2Ordained PriestLuigi Giuseppe Lasagna, S.D.B. †Priest of Salesians of Saint John BoscoTitular Bishop of Oëa
BornFranz Justus RarkowskiBishop Emeritus of Germany, Military
22.5Ordained DeaconAndrés Segura y DomínguezDeacon of León, Guanajuato, MéxicoBishop of Tepic, Nayarit, México
9 Jun54.3SucceededHugh ConwayBishop of Killala, Ireland
83.4DiedThomas FeenyBishop of Killala, Ireland
11 Jun49.4Ordained BishopFrançois-Albert LeuillieuxBishop of Carcassonne, FranceArchbishop of Chambéry, France
35.3Ordained BishopCharles-François TurinazBishop of Tarentaise, FranceBishop of Nancy (-Toul), France
12 JunBornWłodzimierz Bronisław JasińskiBishop Emeritus of Łódź, Poland
74.9DiedDominic O’BrienBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
64.1SucceededJohn PowerBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
13 Jun38.8AppointedChristopher Augustine ReynoldsBishop of Adelaide, AustraliaArchbishop of Adelaide, Australia
15 Jun18.7EnteredWillem Marinus van Rossum, C.Ss.R. †Member of Congregation of the Most Holy RedeemerCardinal, Prefect of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith
18 Jun44.7SelectedJózsef SamassaCardinal, Archbishop of Eger, Hungary
23 Jun67.2DiedEtienne-Louis Charbonnaux, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Mysore, India
25 Jun56.6SelectedPierre-Anastase PichenotArchbishop of Chambéry, France
26 Jun52.8SelectedLouis-Désiré-César BatailleBishop of Amiens, France
55.9SelectedThomas-Casimir-François de LadoueBishop of Nevers, France
48.6SelectedBenoît-Marie LangénieuxBishop of Tarbes, FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Reims, France
27 Jun42.3DiedGabriel FarzoBishop of Mardin (Chaldean), Turkey
29 Jun33.5Ordained BishopCharles-Jean SeghersBishop of Vancouver Island, USA
1 Jul39.8ProfessedPierre-Gonzalès-Charles Duval, O.P. †Priest of Order of Friars PreachersVicar Apostolic of Alep [Beroea, Halab], Syria
3 Jul44.3SelectedJuan de Dios BosqueBishop of La Paz, Bolivia
4 JulBornMaurice-Bernard-Benoît-Joseph Despatures, M.E.P. †Bishop Emeritus of Bangalore, India
BornHenri-Édouard DutoitBishop Emeritus of Arras, France
BornBl. Teofilius MatulionisBishop of Kaišiadorys, Lithuania
7 JulBornAlexandre-Paul-Marie Chabanon, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Huê, Viet Nam
13 JulBornLaurentius Zeller, O.S.B. †Apostolic Administrator of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
14 JulBornPietro Mozzanica, Ob. S.C. †Auxiliary Bishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
20 Jul64.2Ordained BishopJohn PowerBishop of Waterford and Lismore, Ireland
22 Jul58.6AppointedMartín Griver y CuníBishop of Perth, Australia
36.2AppointedJohn Edward Cuthbert Hedley, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Newport and Menevia, Wales, Great BritainBishop of Newport, Wales, Great Britain
36.2AppointedJohn Edward Cuthbert Hedley, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of CaesaropolisBishop of Newport, Wales, Great Britain
42.1AppointedSimeone Volonteri, P.I.M.E. †Vicar Apostolic of Honan {Ho-Nan}, ChinaVicar Apostolic of Southern Honan {Ho-Nan Meridionale}, China
42.1AppointedSimeone Volonteri, P.I.M.E. †Titular Bishop of Palaeopolis in AsiaVicar Apostolic of Southern Honan {Ho-Nan Meridionale}, China
23 Jul64.5DiedLorenzo Guglielmo Maria RenaldiBishop of Pinerolo, Italy
25 Jul47.0ConfirmedFederico León Aneiros (Aneyros)Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
52.9ConfirmedLouis-Désiré-César BatailleBishop of Amiens, France
52.3ConfirmedFrançois-Benjamin-Joseph BlangerBishop of Guadeloupe et Basse-Terre, AntillesBishop of Limoges, France
38.3AppointedFerdinando CapponiBishop of Volterra, ItalyArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
58.6AppointedConcetto FocaccettiBishop of Montefiascone, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Acquapendente, Italy
57.3ConfirmedThéodore-Augustin Forcade, M.E.P. †Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun), France
52.7AppointedAntónio José de Freitas HonoratoAuxiliary Bishop of Lisboa {Lisbon}, PortugalArchbishop of Braga, Portugal
52.7AppointedAntónio José de Freitas HonoratoTitular Archbishop of MityleneArchbishop of Braga, Portugal
56.0ConfirmedThomas-Casimir-François de LadoueBishop of Nevers, France
48.7ConfirmedBenoît-Marie LangénieuxBishop of Tarbes, FranceCardinal, Archbishop of Reims, France
53.8AppointedBasilio LetoBishop of Biella, ItalyBishop Emeritus
56.7ConfirmedPierre-Anastase PichenotArchbishop of Chambéry, France
53.8AppointedPlacido PozziBishop of Mondovi, Italy
56.1AppointedGuido RoccaBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
44.8ConfirmedJózsef SamassaCardinal, Archbishop of Eger, Hungary
49.3ConfirmedLörinc (Vavrinec) SchlauchBishop of Satu Mare {Szatmár}, RomaniaCardinal, Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyvárad}, Romania
26 Jul23.7Ordained PriestKarl RethPriest of Augsburg, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
27 Jul38.3Ordained BishopFerdinando CapponiBishop of Volterra, ItalyArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
23.1Ordained PriestAnton Bonaventura JegličPriestBishop Emeritus of Ljubljana, Slovenia
62.9DiedRupert MayrAuxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria
56.1Ordained BishopGuido RoccaBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
29 Jul62.5AppointedThaddeus Amat y Brusi, C.M. †Bishop of Monterey-Los Angeles, California, USA
BornLuis Antonio de Mena y SteinkoftCoadjutor Archbishop Emeritus of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
2 Aug56.3DiedGiuseppe Milesi Pironi FerrettiCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
3 Aug45.6Ordained BishopFrancisco Mora y BorrellTitular Bishop of MosynopolisBishop Emeritus of Monterey-Los Angeles, California, USA
53.8Ordained BishopPlacido PozziBishop of Mondovi, Italy
4 AugBornJosé Tomas Gomes da SilvaBishop of Aracajú, Brazil
5 Aug60.3DiedIosif Papp-SzilágyiBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino} (Romanian), Romania
10 Aug25.0Ordained PriestTheodor KappenbergPriest of Münster, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
53.8Ordained BishopBasilio LetoBishop of Biella, ItalyBishop Emeritus
29.5Ordained DeaconFranziskus von Paula SchönbornDeacon of Praha {Prague}, CzechiaCardinal, Archbishop
BornAuguste Sieffert, C.Ss.R. †Bishop Emeritus of La Paz, Bolivia
12 Aug29.5Ordained PriestFranziskus von Paula SchönbornPriest of Praha {Prague}, CzechiaCardinal, Archbishop
17 Aug22.9Ordained PriestFranz von BettingerPriest of Speyer, GermanyCardinal, Archbishop of München und Freising {Munich}, Germany
22 Aug48.7AppointedJean-Claude Duret, C.S.Sp. †Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia, Senegal
23 AugBornThomas Addis Emmet, S.J. †Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Giamaica o Jamaica, Antilles
24 Aug25.2Ordained PriestNerses Djindoyan, C.A.M. †Priest of Congregazione MechitaristaBishop of Musc (Mush) (Armenian), Armenia
26 Aug48.7AppointedJean-Claude Duret, C.S.Sp. †Titular Bishop of AntigoneaVicar Apostolic of Senegambia, Senegal
54.2AppointedFrancesco Grassi FonsecaAuxiliary Bishop of Fermo, Italy
54.2AppointedFrancesco Grassi FonsecaTitular Bishop of AulonAuxiliary Bishop of Fermo, Italy
BornGiuseppe Potier, C.M. †Prefect of Arauca, Colombia
28 AugBornHenry John AlthoffBishop of Belleville, Illinois, USA
22.3Ordained PriestLajos SzmrecsányiPriestArchbishop of Eger, Hungary
31 AugBornJoaquim Ferreira de MeloBishop of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
75.8DiedJosé Vicente Ramírez de ArellanoBishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
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