Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1669

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1668) | Next Year (1670)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownBornJohn ArmstrongBishop of Down and Connor, Ireland
89.0DiedAimeric de BrageloneBishop Emeritus of Luçon, France
65.0ResignedMatthieu de Castro Malo, C.O. †Vicar Apostolic of Idalcan / Deccan / Bijapur, IndiaVicar Apostolic Emeritus
25.0Ordained PriestEdward ComerfordPriestArchbishop of Cashel, Ireland
BornJean-Louis du Bouchet de SourchesBishop of Dol, France
43.0Ordained BishopAlfonso Bernardo de los Ríos y Guzmán, O.SS.T. †Bishop of Santiago de CubaArchbishop of Granada, Spain
BornCharles de Fontaine des MonteesBishop of Nevers, France
45.0Ordained BishopLucas Fernández de PiedrahitaBishop of Santa Marta, ColombiaBishop of Panamá
BornManuel González y VirtusBishop of Córdoba (Tucumán), Argentina
44.9ResignedPierre Lambert de la Motte, M.E.P. †Vicar Apostolic of Cochin {Cocincina}, Viet NamVicar Apostolic Emeritus
29.0Ordained PriestArmand-Anne-Tristan de La Baume de SuzePriestArchbishop of Auch, France
30.3Ordained PriestGiovanni Francesco MillerPriest of Trieste, ItalyBishop
BornJosé Pinheiro, S.J. †Bishop of São Tomé of Meliapore, India
BornAlonso del Pozo y SilvaArchbishop Emeritus of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
BornMatthew Pritchard, O.F.M. Rec. †Vicar Apostolic of Western District, England, Great Britain
BornMichel-Celse-Roger de Rabutin de BussyBishop of Luçon, France
53.9DiedFrancisco Rodríguez CastañónBishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain
63.0DiedLorenzo SamperoBishop of Ampurias e Civita, Italy
BornFrancisco Sánchez MárquezTitular Bishop of Amyclae
57.0Ordained BishopLuis Tello de OlivaresBishop of Mondoñedo, Spain
43.0Ordained PriestFriedrich von Tietzen-SchlütterPriest of Hildesheim, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
BornGabriel Turčinović, O.S.B.M. †Vicar Apostolic of Valachia (Križevci), Croatia
DiedGothard Jan TyzenhausBishop of Smoleńsk, Poland
BornJean-Jacques de Verthamon de ChalucetBishop of (Saint-Lizier de) Couserans (or Conserans), France
11 Jan66.0SelectedPatrick Plunkett, O. Cist. †Bishop of Meath, Ireland
13 Jan23.0Ordained PriestPeter Anton Gaus von HombergPriest of Pedena, AustriaBishop
14 Jan30.4AppointedCustodio do PinhoVicar Apostolic of Idalcan / Deccan / Bijapur, IndiaVicar Apostolic of Malabar, India
30.4AppointedCustodio do PinhoTitular Bishop of Hierapolis in IsauriaVicar Apostolic of Malabar, India
56.1AppointedGiacomo FranzoniCardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in CosmedinCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
63.0AppointedSebastiano PisaniTitular Archbishop of ThessalonicaBishop Emeritus of Verona, Italy
47.0AppointedPaolo SavelliCardinal-Deacon of San Giorgio in VelabroCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin
42.0ConfirmedIstván SennyeyBishop of Veszprém, Hungary
15 Jan56.0AppointedCarlo GualterioCardinal-Priest of Sant’EusebioCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Fermo, Italy
19 JanBornGiuseppe Antonio SilvestriBishop of Termoli, Italy
20 Jan54.0Ordained BishopGabriel-Philippe de Froullay de TesséBishop of Avranches, France
26.0Ordained DeaconFrancesco Onofrio HodiernaDeaconBishop Emeritus of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
23 JanDiedNicolás Rodríguez HermosinoBishop of Astorga, Spain
27 Jan30.4Ordained BishopCustodio do PinhoTitular Bishop of Hierapolis in IsauriaVicar Apostolic of Malabar, India
26.0Ordained PriestFrancesco Onofrio HodiernaPriestBishop Emeritus of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
28 JanBornPablo Vilana PerlasArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
1 FebBornGiovanni RomanoBishop of Catanzaro, Italy
4 Feb58.8AppointedJuan Lozano, O.S.A. †Archbishop of Palermo, ItalyBishop of Plasencia, Spain
69.0AppointedFrutos Bernardo Patón de AyalaBishop of Sigüenza, Spain
BornRaymund Ferdinand von RabattaBishop of Passau, Germany
51.0ConfirmedAlfonso de Salizanes y Medina, O.F.M. †Bishop of Oviedo, SpainBishop of Córdoba, Spain
5 Feb64.5DiedGiovanni Francesco BiancolellaBishop of Nicotera, Italy
BornFrancisco de Santiago y Calderón, O. de M. †Bishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, México
10 Feb24.0Ordained PriestJohann Jakob SenfftPriest of Mainz, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
12 Feb42.1DiedPompeo ValpergaBishop of Ivrea, Italy
16 Feb73.1DiedAmbrogio Landucci, O.S.A. †Titular Bishop of Porphyreon
18 Feb17.0ProfessedFrancesco Pignatelli (Sr.), C.R. †Member of Congregation of Clerics RegularCardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy
BornJacques RambertBishop of Aosta, Italy
25 FebBornMattia JocciaBishop of Venafro, Italy
2 Mar64.1DiedFrancesco Gaeta (Caieta)Bishop of Bitetto, Italy
8 Mar65.1AppointedWilliam BurgatArchbishop of Cashel, Ireland
45.1AppointedJames LynchArchbishop of Tuam, Ireland
71.0DiedEdmund O’ReillyArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
50.1AppointedJames O’PhelanBishop of Ossory, Ireland
66.1ConfirmedPatrick Plunkett, O. Cist. †Bishop of Meath, Ireland
50.6AppointedPeter TalbotArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
9 Mar50.4ConfirmedMatthäus Ferdinand Sobek von Bilenberg, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
10 Mar27.1Ordained PriestMartin Bernhard Just von FriedenfeldPriest of Lausitz (Lusatia), GermanyPrefect
BornAntonio da Frosinone Pacicco, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Bisceglie, Italy
11 MarBornJohann Baptist von Reinach-HirzbachCoadjutor Bishop of Basel, Switzerland
13 MarConfirmedJosyf VolosynovskyjBishop of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), UkraineBishop Emeritus
14 Mar53.2DiedRoger de Harlay de CésiBishop of Lodève, France
BornPietro PriuliCardinal, Bishop of Bergamo, Italy
15 MarBornPhilipp Carl von FürstenbergBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
16 Mar32.2ProfessedNilo Catalano, O.S.B.I. †Member of Ordine Basiliano Italiano di GrottaferrataArchbishop of Durrës (Durazzo) (Albanian), Albania
48.4Ordained DeaconJean Louis (Johann Ludwig) d’ElderenDeacon of Liège, BelgiumBishop
23.3Ordained PriestOktavije Janković-Spader, O.F.M. Obs. †Priest of Order of Observant Friars MinorBishop of Assisi, Italy
17 Mar48.9SelectedBernardino León de la RochaBishop of Tuy, SpainBishop of Coria, Spain
18 Mar59.2AppointedHonuphrius IppolitiTitular Bishop of Porphyreon
BornCarlo MaielliTitular Archbishop of Hemesa
51.2InstalledVitaliano ViscontiCardinal-Priest of Sant’Agnese fuori le muraCardinal, Archbishop of Monreale, Italy
19 Mar15.1EnteredAntonio da Silva, S.J. †Member of Society of JesusFormer Bishop-Elect of Nanking [Nanjing], China
20 MarBornAlamanno SalviatiCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli
22 Mar25.6Ordained PriestGiuseppe Ottavio AttavantiPriestBishop of Arezzo, Italy
23 MarBornFaustino Giuseppe Griffoni Sant’AngeloBishop of Crema, Italy
BornFilippo TipaldiBishop of Ariano, Italy
1 AprBornCarlo BossiBishop of Vigevano, Italy
49.2AppointedFulgenzio Arminio Monforte, O.S.A. †Bishop of Nusco, ItalyBishop Emeritus
35.2AppointedFilippo Alferio OssorioBishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy
43.5AppointedIgnaas August Schetz van GrobbendonckBishop of Namur {Namen}, BelgiumBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
44.8AppointedMarcantonio VincentiniBishop of Foligno, ItalyBishop Emeritus
4 AprDiedFrancesco GrassiBishop of Chioggia, Italy
7 Apr49.2Ordained BishopFulgenzio Arminio Monforte, O.S.A. †Bishop of Nusco, ItalyBishop Emeritus
35.2Ordained BishopFilippo Alferio OssorioBishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy
44.8Ordained BishopMarcantonio VincentiniBishop of Foligno, ItalyBishop Emeritus
10 Apr62.2SucceededPlacide-Louis du Chemin, O.S.B. †Bishop of Baghdad, Iraq
71.9DiedJean Duval, O.C.D. †Bishop of Baghdad, Iraq
15 Apr31.2SelectedLouis de La Vergne-Montenard de TressanBishop of Vabres, FranceBishop of Le Mans, France
33.2SelectedJean-Armand de Rotondy de BiscarrasBishop of Lodève, FranceBishop of Béziers, France
20 AprSelectedBernardo de Izaguirre de los ReyesArchbishop of La Plata o Charcas, Bolivia
BornCharles-Daniel-Gabriel de Pestel de Levis de Tubières de CaylusBishop of Auxerre, France
21 Apr41.3Ordained BishopValerio MaccioniTitular Bishop of Marocco o Marruecos, Titular SeesVicar Apostolic of Nordic Missions, Germany
28 Apr42.3Ordained PriestLouis-Marie-Armand de Simiane de GordesPriestBishop of Langres, France
3 MayBornTeodoro Pongelli (Pungelli)Bishop Emeritus of Terni, Italy
4 May50.6InstalledMatthäus Ferdinand Sobek von Bilenberg, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
6 MayBornÁlvaro Pires de Castro e NoronhaBishop of Portalegre, Portugal
BornFrancesco Antonio FinyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy
12 May23.1Ordained PriestDomenico Diez de AuxPriestBishop of Gerace, Italy
50.8Ordained BishopPeter TalbotArchbishop of Dublin, Ireland
43.7Ordained BishopIgnaas August Schetz van GrobbendonckBishop of Namur {Namen}, BelgiumBishop of Gent {Ghent, Gand}, Belgium
19 May61.3DiedTeodoro BalboArchbishop of Zadar (Zara), Croatia
20 MayBornGiovanni Battista CapuaniBishop of Belcastro, Italy
22 May71.7DiedPhilipp Friedrich von BreunerBishop of Wien, Austria
25 May69.7DiedAntonio Paiño SevillaArchbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
26 May45.4Ordained BishopJames LynchArchbishop of Tuam, Ireland
36.4Ordained PriestLucalberto PatriziPriestBishop of Perugia, Italy
3 Jun45.8ConfirmedAlbrecht Sigmund von BayernBishop of Regensburg, GermanyBishop-Elect of Freising, Germany
60.4ConfirmedGeorges d’Aubusson de la FeuilladeArchbishop (Personal Title) of Metz, FranceBishop
49.6AppointedAntonio Fernández del Campo Angulo y VelascoBishop of Coria, SpainBishop of Jaén, Spain
36.4AppointedLucalberto PatriziBishop of Perugia, Italy
54.4AppointedMikolaj SłupskiAuxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
54.4AppointedMikolaj SłupskiTitular Bishop of GratianopolisAuxiliary Bishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
36.4AppointedGaspare ToraltoBishop of Bitetto, ItalyBishop of Tricarico, Italy
45.7AppointedGiacinto Trucchi, O.P. †Bishop of Ivrea, Italy
4 Jun62.4DiedJan RóżyckiBishop of Chełm, Poland
9 Jun69.4DiedGiovanni Lucas MoncalviBishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy
15 Jun23.8Ordained PriestNikola Bijanković, C.O. †Priest of Confederation of Oratorians of St. Philip NeriBishop of Makarska, Croatia
16 Jun26.4Ordained PriestEleonoro PacelloPriestBishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia
24.4Ordained PriestJohann Franz Christoph von TalmbergPriest of Praha {Prague}, CzechiaBishop of Hradec Králové, Czechia
58.6ResignedPietro Vidoni (Sr.)Bishop of Lodi, ItalyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
17 JunAppointedGirolamo Cori (de Coris)Bishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy
49.4AppointedEstevão dos Santos Carneiro de Moraes, C.R.S.J.E. †Bishop of São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, Brazil
74.4AppointedGiovanni Antonio GelosoBishop of Patti, Italy
40.4AppointedManuel de Noroña, O.F.M. †Bishop of Guarda, PortugalBishop of Coimbra, Portugal
60.4AppointedPedro Vieira da SilvaBishop of Leiria, Portugal
20 JunBornJohann Joseph Ignaz Freyschlag von SchmidenthalPrefect of Lausitz (Lusatia), Germany
69.6DiedDidier Dominique MariniArchbishop of Avignon, France
23 Jun74.4Ordained BishopGiovanni Antonio GelosoBishop of Patti, Italy
DiedMaffeo Vitale, O.F.M. †Bishop of Mantova, Italy
28 Jun52.4SelectedWilderich von WalderdorffBishop of Wien, Austria
30 Jun61.4Ordained BishopVicente Margarit de Biure, O.P. †Bishop of Perpignan-Elne, France
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