Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1980

Diocese Events

See Also: Overview | Bishop Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1979) | Next Year (1981)

unknownMission "Sui Iuris" of Kalumburu, Australia SuppressedDiocese of Broome, Australia Territory Added
25 JanDiocese of Cruz del Eje, Argentina (Ischilin, Tulumba, Rio Seco, and Sobremonte) Territory LostTerritorial Prelature of Deán Funes, Argentina Erected
29 JanDiocese of Lafayette, Louisiana, USA (Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, and Jefferson Davis) Territory LostDiocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA Erected
29 JanDiocese of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi, Italy (Covala) Territory LostArchdiocese of Reggio Calabria, Italy Territory Added
29 JanArchdiocese of Cosenza-Bisignano, Italy (San Giacomo) Territory LostDiocese of San Marco Argentano-Scalea, Italy Territory Added
2 FebArchdiocese of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Canela, Campo Bom, Dois Irmâos, Estancia Velha, Gramado, Igrejinha, Ivoti, Nova Petrópolis, Nova Hamburg, Rolante, São Leopoldo, Sapiranga, Taquara, and Tres Coroas, along with Santo Antonio) Territory LostDiocese of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Erected
4 FebTerritorial Prelature of Ciudad Real, Spain ElevatedDiocese of Ciudad Real, Spain (and Latin name change) Elevated
14 FebDiocese of Great Falls, Montana, USA Name ChangedDiocese of Great Falls-Billings, Montana, USA Name Changed
27 FebOpus Spiritus Sancti Founded
3 MarDiocese of Cádiz y Ceuta, Spain (La Ina and Torrecera and the southern part of Arcos)
Archdiocese of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain (Alcalá del Valle, Algar, Algodonales, Arcos de la Frontera, Benaocaz, Bornos, El Bosque, Chipiona, Espera, El Gastor, Grazalema, Jerez de la Frontera, Olvera, Prado del Rey, Puerto de Santa María, Puerto Serrano, Rota, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Setenil, ...)
Territory LostDiocese of Jerez de la Frontera, Spain Erected
6 MarDiocese of Auckland, New Zealand (Raglan, Waipa, Otorohanga, Taumarunui, Otinemuri, Piako, Matamata, Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo, Opotiki, Waiapu, Waikohu, Cook, and part of Waikato) Territory LostDiocese of Hamilton in New Zealand Erected
6 MarArchdiocese of Wellington, New Zealand (Clifton, Stratford, Inglewood, Taranaki, Egmont, Waitame West, Hawera, Eltham, Patea, Waitotara, Waimairino, Wanganui, Rangatikei, Kiwitea, Pohangina, Oroua, Manawatu, Kairanga, Eketahuna, Pohiatua, Woodville, Dannevirke, Waipukurau, Waipawa, ...) Territory LostDiocese of Palmerston North, New Zealand Erected
6 MarDiocese of Patna, India (West Champaran, East Champaram, Gopan Ganj, Siwan, Saran, Vishali, Muzaffarpur, Sitamarhi, Madhubani, Darhanga, Samastipur, Saharsha, and Begusarai) Territory LostDiocese of Muzaffarpur, India Erected
6 MarVicariate Apostolic of Harar, Ethiopia (Arssi and Bale along with Butejira-Haigotch) Territory LostPrefecture Apostolic of Meki, Ethiopia Erected
14 MarDiocese of Barra do Piraí-Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Angra dos Reis and Parati)
Diocese of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Itaguai and Mangaratiba)
Territory LostDiocese of Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Erected
27 MarArchdiocese of La Plata, Argentina (Chascomús, Coronel Brandsen, Castelli, Dolores, General Belgrano, General Guido, General Paz, Monte, and Pila)
Diocese of Mar del Plata, Argentina (General Conesa, General Lavalle, and Maipú)
Territory LostDiocese of Chascomús, Argentina Erected
28 MarDiocese of Kohima-Imphal, India SplitDiocese of Imphal, India (Manipur)
Diocese of Kohima, India
28 MarApostolic Administration of Zanzibar e Pemba, Tanzania ElevatedDiocese of Zanzibar, Tanzania Elevated
18 AprDiocese of Assisi, Italy (S. Michele Arcangelo di Limigiano) Territory LostArchdiocese of Spoleto, Italy Territory Added
23 AprEparchy of Le Caire {Cairo} (Chaldean), Egypt Erected
30 MayDiocese of Leeds, England, Great Britain (South Yorkshire)
Diocese of Nottingham, England, Great Britain (St. Thomas and Our Lady (in Sheffield); Bassetlaw, and Bamford, Chesterfield, Clowne, Dronfield, Eckington, Hathersage, and Staveley)
Territory LostDiocese of Hallam, England, Great Britain Erected
3 JunDelegation to Mali ElevatedNunciature to Mali Elevated
7 JunDiocese of Bujumbura, Burundi Territory LostDiocese of Bubanza, Burundi Erected
26 JunNunciature to Zimbabwe Established
28 JunDiocese of Concepción (Santissima Concezione) en Paraguay
Vicariate Apostolic of Pilcomayo, Paraguay
Territory LostDiocese of Benjamín Aceval, Paraguay Erected
17 JulDiocese of Hajdúdorog (Hungarian), Hungary (Expanded to all in Hungary of the Byzantine Rite) Territory Added
29 JulDiocese of Mobile, Alabama, USA ElevatedArchdiocese of Mobile, Alabama, USA Elevated
29 JulDiocese of Biloxi, Mississippi, USA (from New Orleans) Metropolitan Changed
29 JulDiocese of Birmingham, Alabama, USA (from New Orleans) Metropolitan Changed
29 JulDiocese of Jackson, Mississippi, USA (from New Orleans) Metropolitan Changed
11 OctDiocese of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (São João de Meriti)
Diocese of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Duque de Caxias)
Territory LostDiocese of Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Erected
11 OctArchdiocese of Paraíba, Brazil (Guarabira, Alagoinha, Araçagi, Arara, Araruna, Bananeiras, Beiern, Borborema, Cacimba de Dentro, Caiçara, Cuitegí, Dona Ines, Duas Estradas, Lagôa de Dentro, Mari, Mulungú, Pilöes, Pilöezinhos, Pirpirituba, Serra da Raiz, Serraría, Solânea, and Tacima) Territory LostDiocese of Guarabira, Paraiba, Brazil Erected
11 OctTerritorial Prelature of Tagum, Philippines ElevatedDiocese of Tagum, Philippines Elevated
13 OctEparchy of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto (Slovak), Canada Erected
13 OctApostolic Exarchate of Canada (Melkite Greek) Erected
20 OctArchdiocese of Brindisi, Italy (no longer a metropolitan) Elevated
20 OctDiocese of Lecce, Italy ElevatedArchdiocese of Lecce, Italy Elevated
20 OctArchdiocese of Otranto, Italy (no longer a metropolitan) Elevated
20 OctDiocese of Gallipoli, Italy (from Otranto) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Nardò, Italy (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Ugento-Santa Maria di Leuca, Italy (from Otranto) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctArchdiocese of Trani e Barletta (e Nazareth e Bisceglie), Italy (no longer a metropolitan) Elevated
20 OctDiocese of Conversano, Italy (from Bari (-Canosa)) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Ruvo e Bitonto, Italy (from Bari (-Canosa)) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Andria, Italy (from Trani e Barletta (e Nazareth e Bisceglie)) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Gravina, Italy (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Molfetta, Giovinazzo e Terlizzi, Italy (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctDiocese of Macerata e Tolentino, Italy (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
20 OctTerritorial Prelature of Altamura ed Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy (from Immediately Subject) Metropolitan Changed
24 OctPrefecture Apostolic of Sibolga, Indonesia ElevatedDiocese of Sibolga, Indonesia Elevated
30 OctTerritorial Prelature of Macapá, Amapa, Brazil ElevatedDiocese of Macapá, Amapa, Brazil Elevated
30 OctTerritorial Prelature of Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil ElevatedDiocese of Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil Elevated
30 OctTerritorial Prelature of Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil ElevatedDiocese of Rio Negro, Brazil Elevated
30 OctTerritorial Prelature of Tocantinópolis, Tocatins, Brazil ElevatedDiocese of Tocantinópolis, Tocatins, Brazil Elevated
22 NovVicariate Apostolic of San Francisco Javier, Peru Name ChangedVicariate Apostolic of Jaén en Peru o San Francisco Javier Name Changed
29 NovDiocese of Owerri, Nigeria (Orlu, Oru, Nkwerre Isu, and Ideato along with St. Gregory in Uli) Territory LostDiocese of Orlu, Nigeria Erected
29 NovDiocese of Tororo, Uganda (Soroti and Kumi) Territory LostDiocese of Soroti, Uganda Erected


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