Date | Age | Bishop | Title |
unknown | | Tommaso de Acciaro, O.P. † | Bishop of Satriano, Italy |
unknown | | Agostino , O.S.B. † | Bishop of Argos, Greece |
unknown | | Olof Andreae de Vallibus (Laurentii) † | Bishop of Västerås (Westeraes), Sweden |
unknown | | Giacomo de Bacio † | Bishop of Chieti, Italy |
unknown | | Ottaviano Bentivoglio † | Archbishop of Salerno, Italy |
unknown | 23.0 | Constantino Castriola de Scanderrechis † | Bishop of Isernia, Italy |
unknown | | Gudiel de Cervatos † | Bishop of Civitate (Città or Civita), Italy |
unknown | | Michael Deacon † | Bishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain |
unknown | | Hugo d’Espagne † | Bishop of Rieux, France |
unknown | 54.0 | Gabriel du Mas † | Bishop of Périgueux (Vesuna), France |
unknown | | Constantin Eruli † | Bishop of Spoleto, Italy |
unknown | | Ottaviano Fornari † | Bishop of Mariana, France |
unknown | | Francesco † | Bishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy |
unknown | | Pietro Gaetani † | Bishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy |
unknown | | Bernardino Ilcino, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy |
unknown | | Giovanni Battista Lagni † | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
unknown | | Francesco Mascardi † | Bishop of Todi, Italy |
unknown | | Sean O’Cassin de Tuderto, O.F.M. † | Bishop Emeritus of Killala, Ireland |
unknown | | Battista Pontini, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Bitonto, Italy |
unknown | | Martino Ponz † | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
unknown | | Francesco Rosa † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
unknown | | Acacio de Sobriach † | Bishop of Trieste, Italy |
unknown | | Berenger de Sos (Sog) † | Archbishop of Sassari, Italy |
unknown | | Jérome Antoine de Subiaco † | Bishop of Acci (Accia), France |
unknown | | Florence Wolley (Wooley), O.S.B. † | Bishop Emeritus of Clogher, Ireland |
3 Jan | 53.0 | Christoph Schachner † | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
7 Jan | 41.0 | Fernando de Almeida (Cotignus) † | Bishop of Nevers, France |
17 Jan | 30.0 | Juan de Borja Lanzol de Romaní † | Cardinal, Administrator of Valencia, Spain |
31 Jan | | Martin Leonis † | Bishop of Curland, Latvia |
14 Feb | | Prospero Caffarelli † | Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy |
20 Feb | | Guillaume d’Harcourt † | Bishop of Verdun, France |
20 Feb | | Giovanni Antonio Pavaro (Penosis) † | Bishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia |
12 Mar | | Maunu Särkilahti (Stiernkors) † | Bishop of Åbo, Finland |
25 Mar | 65.2 | Bartolomé Martí † | Cardinal, Bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain |
21 May | | Alonso de Valdivieso † | Bishop of León, Spain |
29 May | 76.7 | Thomas Rotheram (Scott) † | Archbishop of York, England, Great Britain |
3 Jul | | Charles de Saint-Gelais, O.S.B. † | Bishop Emeritus of Elne, France |
31 Jul | | Johann Schlecht, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
4 Aug | | Antonio Guerra † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
25 Aug | | Antoine de Longueil † | Bishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon, France |
Sep | | Thomas Jane † | Bishop of Norwich, England, Great Britain |
15 Sep | 80.7 | John Morton † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain |
15 Sep | | Daniel Zehender, O.F.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
1 Oct | 70.7 | John Alcock † | Bishop of Ely, England, Great Britain |
4 Nov | | Michael Sculteti † | Bishop of Curland, Latvia |
10 Nov | 49.8 | André d’Espinay † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bordeaux, France |
12 Nov | | Niels Skawe † | Bishop of Roskilde (Roeskilde), Denmark |
18 Nov | | Albert Engel, O.F.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn, Germany |
21 Nov | | Jean d’Huillier † | Bishop of Meaux, France |
21 Dec | 75.9 | Henrik Tidemansson † | Bishop of Linköping, Sweden |