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The Year of Our Lord 1994

Bishop Events


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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
1 Apr85.4DiedPatrick Winters, S.A.C. †Bishop Emeritus of Mbulu, Tanzania
4 Apr43.0Ordained BishopHansjörg VogelBishop of Basel {Bâle, Basilea}, Switzerland
5 Apr55.7AppointedJoseph Anthony GalanteBishop of Beaumont, Texas, USABishop Emeritus of Camden, New Jersey, USA
91.7DiedEmilio PizzoniBishop Emeritus of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy
53.4AppointedPlácido Rodríguez, C.M.F.Bishop of Lubbock, Texas, USABishop Emeritus
6 Apr46.9AppointedJoăo Bráz de AvizAuxiliary Bishop of Vitória, Espirito Santo, BrazilCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
46.9AppointedJoăo Bráz de AvizTitular Bishop of FlenucletaCardinal, Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
7 Apr28.7Ordained PriestAnthonypillai GnanapragasamPriest of Mannar, Sri LankaBishop
45.5Ordained BishopGiancarlo Maria Bregantini, C.S.S.Bishop of Locri-Gerace (-Santa Maria di Polsi), ItalyArchbishop Emeritus of Campobasso-Boiano, Italy
42.0AppointedMario Antonio CargnelloBishop of Orán, ArgentinaArchbishop of Salta, Argentina
75.2RetiredFortunato Antonio RossiArchbishop of Corrientes, ArgentinaArchbishop Emeritus
76.6RetiredOscar Félix VillenaAuxiliary Bishop of Rosario, ArgentinaBishop Emeritus of San Rafael, Argentina
8 Apr48.1AppointedGyörgy-Miklós JakubínyiArchbishop of Alba Iulia, RomaniaArchbishop Emeritus
47.1Ordained BishopJuan María Leonardi VillasmilTitular Bishop of LesviBishop of Punto Fijo, Venezuela
56.5Ordained BishopAlexander Sye Cheong-dukTitular Bishop of BuffadaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Daegu {Taegu}, Korea (South)
9 Apr59.3AppointedMarian OleśApostolic Nuncio to KazakhstanApostolic Nuncio
59.3AppointedMarian OleśApostolic Nuncio to KyrgyzstanApostolic Nuncio
59.3AppointedMarian OleśApostolic Nuncio to UzbekistanApostolic Nuncio
26.7Ordained PriestWilliam Albert Wack, C.S.C.Priest of Congregation of Holy CrossBishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, USA
10 Apr49.4Ordained BishopFrancisco Cases AndreuTitular Bishop of TimiciBishop Emeritus of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain
50.4Ordained BishopLeo Laba Ladjar, O.F.M.Titular Bishop of BencennaBishop Emeritus of Jayapura, Indonesia
41.2Ordained BishopFilipe Neri António Sebastiăo do Rosário FerrăoTitular Bishop of VanarionaCardinal, Archbishop of Goa e Damăo, India
11 Apr74.2Ordained Bishop Lu ZhiyuanBishop of Shenyang [Mukden, Fengtien], China
24.7Ordained PriestAntony ValumkalPriest of Verapoly, IndiaAuxiliary Bishop
12 Apr79.9DiedJózsef CserhátiBishop Emeritus of Pécs, Hungary
13 Apr66.6InstalledWilliam George CurlinBishop of Charlotte, North Carolina, USABishop Emeritus
69.4InstalledJohn Aloysius O’MaraBishop of Saint Catharines, Ontario, CanadaBishop Emeritus
14 Apr61.0Ordained BishopEdward Peter CullenTitular Bishop of Paria in ProconsolareBishop Emeritus of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA
16 Apr29.7Ordained PriestCelso Ba ShwePriest of Loikaw, MyanmarBishop
63.6DiedCharles Aimé HalpinArchbishop of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
38.7AppointedPiotr JareckiAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
38.7AppointedPiotr JareckiTitular Bishop of AvissaAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
75.2RetiredAngel Adolfo Polachini RodriguezBishop of Guanare, VenezuelaBishop Emeritus
17 Apr25.6Ordained DeaconPhilippe CurbeliéDeacon of Toulouse (-Narbonne-Saint Bertrand de Comminges-Rieux), FranceUnder Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
42.8Ordained BishopFernando Armindo Lugo Méndez, S.V.D.Bishop of San Pedro, Paraguay
57.9InstalledJulian (Yuriy) Voronovsky, M.S.U. †Bishop of Sambir-Drohobych (Ukrainian), UkraineBishop Emeritus
18 Apr25.9Ordained PriestAbel Cahiles ApigoPriest of Davao, PhilippinesBishop of Mati, Philippines
43.4AppointedLászló BíróAuxiliary Bishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, HungaryBishop Emeritus of Hungary, Military
43.4AppointedLászló BíróTitular Bishop of Castra GalbaeBishop Emeritus of Hungary, Military
60.7AppointedJosé Dimas Cedeńo DelgadoArchbishop of PanamáArchbishop Emeritus
41.8AppointedGáspár LadocsiBishop of Hungary, MilitaryAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary
41.8AppointedGáspár LadocsiTitular Bishop of SebargaAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Esztergom-Budapest, Hungary
75.4RetiredCarlos Ambrosio Lewis Tullock, S.V.D. †Coadjutor Bishop of David, PanamaCoadjutor Bishop Emeritus
30.7Ordained PriestAugustine MadathikunnelPriest of Khandwa, IndiaBishop
70.1RetiredMarcos Gregorio McGrath, C.S.C. †Archbishop of PanamáArchbishop Emeritus
19 Apr60.2AppointedAlexander Joseph BrunettBishop of Helena, Montana, USAArchbishop Emeritus of Seattle, Washington, USA
58.1AppointedThomas George DoranBishop of Rockford, Illinois, USABishop Emeritus
76.3RetiredArthur Joseph O’NeillBishop of Rockford, Illinois, USABishop Emeritus
20 Apr61.8AppointedJavier Echevarría RodríguezPrelate of Opus Dei
96.8DiedBertrand LacasteBishop Emeritus of Oran, Algeria
21 Apr27.0Ordained PriestRobert Mark PiptaPriest of Van Nuys (Ruthenian), California, USABishop of Parma (Ruthenian), Ohio, USA
61.0AppointedJuan Sandoval ÍńiguezArchbishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, MéxicoCardinal, Archbishop Emeritus
23 Apr58.7AppointedFortunato BaldelliApostolic Nuncio to PeruCardinal, Major Penitentiary Emeritus of the Apostolic Penitentiary
28.5Ordained PriestJosé Cobo CanoPriest of Madrid, SpainCardinal, Archbishop
26.1Ordained PriestRubén Gregorio Delgado CarmonaPriest of Trujillo, VenezuelaBishop of San Felipe, Venezuela
44.4Ordained BishopFreddy Jesús Fuenmayor SuárezBishop of Cabimas, VenezuelaBishop of Los Teques, Venezuela
29.5Ordained PriestEdgar Cuntapay Gacutan, C.I.C.M.Priest of Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of MaryBishop of Sendai, Japan
38.8Ordained BishopPiotr JareckiTitular Bishop of AvissaAuxiliary Bishop of Warszawa {Warsaw}, Poland
30.3Ordained PriestBinay KandulnaPriest of Khunti, IndiaBishop
26.2Ordained DeaconJames Thomas RuggieriDeacon of Providence, Rhode Island, USABishop of Portland, Maine, USA
66.4AppointedArmando TrindadeArchbishop of Lahore, Pakistan
24 Apr60.9InstalledHarry Joseph FlynnCoadjutor Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAArchbishop Emeritus
76.9DiedJorge Gottau, C.Ss.R. †Bishop Emeritus of Ańatuya, Argentina
25.7Ordained PriestPaul Ji ZengweiPriestBishop of Chengdu [Chengtu], China
25.8Ordained PriestÁngel Román IdígorasPriest of Alcalá de Henares, SpainBishop-Elect of Albacete, Spain
26 Apr75.1RetiredPatrick Vincent AhernAuxiliary Bishop of New York, New York, USAAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus
71.8DiedJohn Joseph MulcahyAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Boston, Massachusetts, USA
27 Apr39.3AppointedFernando María BargallóAuxiliary Bishop of Morón, ArgentinaBishop Emeritus of Merlo-Moreno, Argentina
39.3AppointedFernando María BargallóTitular Bishop of HirinaBishop Emeritus of Merlo-Moreno, Argentina
54.2AppointedOctavio Villegas AguilarBishop of Tula, Hidalgo, MéxicoAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Morelia, Michoacán, México
29 Apr27.4Ordained PriestLouie Patalinghug GalbinesPriest of Bacolod, PhilippinesBishop of Kabankalan, Philippines
31.4Ordained PriestDaniel Patrick Yee ParconPriest of San Carlos, PhilippinesBishop of Talibon, Philippines
30 Apr49.2Ordained BishopPhilip Lasap Za HawngTitular Bishop of AvioccalaBishop Emeritus of Lashio, Myanmar
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